This program is the result of asking 3 questions.

Question 1

In an ideal world, if you could be apprenticed to a Meditation and Chi Kung Master, what would you be taught?

A paradigm or understanding of reality that recognised your ability to control the world you perceive. The techniques and resources to choose your habitual thinking patterns and in so doing have the ability to become the version of yourself that you are most content with.

Question 2

With a contemporary understanding of the neuroscience of learning, what would a certified master of Neuro Linguistic Programming consider the best way to learn that knowledge and those skills?

A combination of axiomatic wisdom teaching, presented in simple bite sized portions with time spent contemplating, is the best way to assimilate concepts that can change the entire way you see yourself, the world, and your place in it. Guided meditations in which the student learns to replicate the personal mind control is by far the ideal way to embed profound ideas and skills at an unconscious and an intuitive level.

Question 3

If you can’t train one on one, what is the best way to use modern Information Technology to deliver this great body of knowledge and skills?

Short structured video recordings that are short enough to easily maintain focus while being long enough to cover a unique and discrete concept is an ideal means to absorb this body of knowledge. Decades of teaching indicates the limit of a person’s ability to properly absorb an idea. This limit has been applied to the videos in all the Mediation Living courses. This is structured learning, set out for you in the ideal format. This is the equivalent to having a nutritionist and chef provide you with the perfect meals at the right times, to maximise your body’s ability to absorb nutrition.

Sifu. Mark Ringer BA Hons (phil/pol) PGCE

Mark discovered as a teenager that he had a knack for hypnosis and successfully treated fellow students, enabling them to overcome exam anxiety and similar problems.  With a deep love of philosophy and martial arts he found that he could combine them both when he moved from boxing to oriental martial traditions that often involved spiritual wisdom with great insights into self-mastery.  Many of the ancient disciplines he studied included techniques for controlling one’s emotions and mood.

Working as a licensed doorman helped see him through his honours degree in philosophy.  After more than a decade of working pubs and clubs as a head doorman and running his own security company, he became the national head of security for a major global company.  “Security is possibly one of the best environments to develop emotional restraint and to perfect some of the ancient mind techniques taught by the great masters.”

After being a manager and consultant for international private security firms, Mark took a change of career direction to become a high school Head of Department for Philosophy and Ethics & Religious Education.

It would be another decade before he was able to combine his love of teaching with his love of Kung Fu and in 2007, with another martial arts master, founded the Norwich Kung Fu Academy.  (Sifu. is an honorary title for a Kung Fu Master and Teacher)

As a certified Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming and Hypno-Therapy he is able to help students overcome their internal conflicts as they learn the skills to overcome external opponents.  All the classes finish with guided meditations that have been created to develop psychological health and wellbeing.

As Covid 19 led to the temporary closure of the Academy, it was evident that the students would benefit from online lessons.  In addition to the Kung Fu teaching, they also produced videos of the Chi Kung exercises that normally started a lesson and the meditations that would finish them.  It didn’t take long before it became evident that there was a huge demand for more guided meditations that were specifically tailored to help people overcome life limiting issues and to grow in particular areas.  This was the momentum for Developmental Meditations – courses that provided a morning contemplation, opening up the philosophical basis for an evening meditation that enabled people to change and gave them the resources to take control of their own thinking and lives.